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the village of mermaids

7 km from Sorrento, following the only road that goes along the Sorrento Peninsula, here Massalubrense, a little village that enjoy a wonderful panorama on Capri.

Massalubrense in the latest years has become the favourite spot for the travellers that want to enjoy peace, nature and relax in one the beautiful villas spread along the sweet hills of Massalubrense. The short distance from Sorrento (7 km) and the sea, make Massalubrense a ideal place to spend holiday in Sorrento Peninsula far from the mass tourism.

Sant'Agata sui due Golfi, a hamlet of Massa Lubrense, was a must-see at the time of the "Grand Tour", the long journey on the European continent that was imposed on the offspring of English nobility of the eighteenth century. Even then, Sant’Agata dei Golfi, was considered extremely fascinating for its nature, the outstanding panorama on the Gulf of Napels and Salerno (Amalfi coast), indeed from the terrace of the "Desert" is possible to admire the intense beauty of the two bays, Napels and Salerno and also the sinuous profile of the island of Capri.
But this land was also famous for the mythological legends about mermaids.

Top beaches: Crapolla, Cala di Mitigliano, Marina del Cantone, Baia di Jeranto, Recommone.